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'Among all thinking, feeling beings
We women are the most miserable.'

Euripides: Medea, trans.: György Karsai and János Térey

What makes the Medea story exciting now? Who is Medea? Who is this woman? Are you a cruel killer or an amazingly smart woman who navigates the world dominated by men? The archetype of the strong woman. But what is power? The meaning of the name Medea is: masculinity. The author follows the path of male heroes, whose knowledge of people, magic, raw honesty and perfect orientation in female and male roles are his own. Is Medea 'playing', carrying out a perfect revenge plan, or is she deciding minute by minute? Is Iaszón an antihero, a man who betrays his wife or just a man who puts his life on a new footing and wants to free himself from the captivity of a strong woman? The hero who obtained the Golden Fleece for Pelias accomplished the impossible mission, of course, with the indispensable help of Medea. Did he ever love Medea or did he just accept her adoration and enjoy the glory and power that came with it?

This performance approaches the well-known story in an unconventional way, generating new questions in both the viewers and the players. It gives directions and conveys immeasurable female power. The performance is a rite and an initiation.

Director: Zita Szenteczki

Playwright, Inaugural: György Karsai;

Scenery, costume: Petrányi Luc

Music: Áron Porteleki;

Author: Euripides

Translated by György Karsai and János Térey

Supervisor, Assistant: Mercédesz Kónya

Help: Zsuzsa Tombor

Photos: Réka Szabó

Ticket purchase:

Press releases

club radio / Club morning - Médeia interview (Guests: Zalán Makranczi and György Karsai)

Viewpoint Switch / Euripides: MEDEIA

Spare seat reservation / "...there has certainly never been a Medea performance like this before" - interview (with Ágens and Zalán Makranczi)

Andrea Stuber's diary / Friday, March 31, 2023

Field viewer / Medea, the indefatigable?

9Tv / Medea in the Cellar Theatre!

Hungarian Orange / All victims

Theater Online / Médeia – performed by Ágens and Zalán Makranczi can be seen at Pinceszínház

Auditor Online / "THIS WOMAN IS A LOT FOR YOU"CLICK out / Medea and Iaszón's love fight | Budapest Review

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Date And Time

2024-10-22 @ 19:00 to
2024-10-22 @ 21:00

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