Corporate solutions
Applied improvisation
Team-building, more effective communication, unique presentation
Improvisation is part of our everyday life in the corporate environment as well, as we have to react almost immediately to a wide variety of situations in a rapidly changing world that poses great challenges.
Our team-building programs, communication support trainings, and unique corporate presentations can also help your company. You have probably taken part in many company training programs, and among them there were template solutions. Improvisation is a multifunctional tool, with which we guarantee, among other things, that you will feel that it is really meant for you, for you. The trainers of Itt és Most Társulat will expertly help you and your colleagues through even a difficult company situation, or if there is a need, they will entertain you with an unforgettable performance during a team-building day.
Thanks to the excellent language skills of our trainers and actors, all of our programs are also available in English!
Partners we have already worked with

What is improvisation technique good for in your company?

Team builder
Attention, presence, joint play. Of course, focusing on the area that needs to be developed. From a few hours to all-day programs tailored to your company.

More effective communication
The most important basis for joint work is good communication between colleagues, organizational units and departments. Sometimes we just need to connect broken threads, sometimes we need to tear down walls. Playing together also helps with this.

A company-tailored impromptu performance
We play short, improvised scenes for you, which are inspired by your everyday life. Every performance feeds off of you. We adapt our program to the current occasion, and you determine the degree of interaction.
What company programs can you choose from?
We have fun with you!
– the performance that is about you
- Fun improvisation performance for companies
- Period: 60 minutes (can be adjusted according to needs)
- Involvement: how interactive it is depends on the client's needs
- Personal conditions: one game master, four actors, one technician
- If necessary, we provide a location in downtown Budapest (Ráday Street, Itt és Most Theater and Community Square)
- We recommend it either for company Christmas, year-end team building, or as an independent event
- Individual offer depending on the duration and number of participants
– active community building
- Community building training with improvisation techniques
- Period: min. 3 hours (can be adjusted according to needs)
- Involvement: active participation, community building, self and peer knowledge
- Personal conditions: one expert trainer per group of 10-12 people
- If necessary, we provide a location in downtown Budapest (Ráday Street, Itt és Most Theater and Community Square)
- Energy and exploding cheerfulness, creativity
- Individual offer depending on the duration and number of participants
Actor support
- Professional support for unique events and projects
- Period: according to the customer's needs
- Method: simulation of situations based on a scenario or improvisationally
- Personal conditions: we can provide a number of actors skilled in improvisational theater techniques according to the client's needs
- For communication and customer management training, interview technique training, professional competitions (reference: EuroSkills, Wordskills) or other programs
- Individual offer depending on the duration and number of participants
Shaken, not stirred
– online course material
- Team building exercises elearning course material through the Webuni interface
- Period: approx. 60 minutes
- Method: explanatory and demonstration videos
- Personal conditions: there are none
- Course material that can be learned individually at your own pace for anyone who feels dedicated enough to help the participants connect with playful exercises before or during an event
- It can be viewed at any time and any number of times after purchase
How to apply the principles of improvisation...
...during public speaking?
The very broad methodology of improvisation helps the development of public speaking skills in the following ways, among others.
Warming up
Just as you wouldn't run a marathon without warming up, you shouldn't start public speaking without physical preparation either. When performing, we use our voice for a longer time and with a greater intensity than usual. The repertoire of improvisational theater includes many introductory warm-up exercises that, in addition to their direct physical effect, energize and fill you with self-confidence before the start of the performance.
One of the central principles of improvisation is "Yes, and..." This concept means that we are ready to accept every new situation and build on it. Positive acceptance of new situations helps us connect with the audience more easily and effectively during the speech. Developing and mastering the "Yes, and..." attitude not only helps in developing public speaking skills; it contributes to the development of personality in all areas of life, be it private life or the world of work.
Ability to live in
Another rule of improvisation is that there is no right or wrong solution to a given situation. Improvisational techniques make the delivery of messages more effective, but the main concern remains authenticity, not perfection. Improvisational techniques help everyone find the style that suits them best. Experiencing dedication, emotions, and humor makes the presentation unique and captivating. Many exercises are aimed at honing these skills. The audience of the performance is nothing but the audience who wants to watch and enjoy the production. the development of teamwork?
The use of improvisation for corporate development began in the late 1990s, and has been used successfully ever since thanks to improvisational principles such as "Yes, and..." and "See your partner in a positive light".
Traditional theater uses a script, which dictates everything from sets, props, and costumes to the selection of actors. Improvisation, on the other hand, does not use scripts or pre-recorded texts, the actors play multiple characters and the audience has a say in how the story unfolds. The skills needed to improvise all of these can be learned and developed, which improvisational actors acquire through various improvisational exercises. These can be used in workplace and educational situations; they promote spontaneity, intuition, interactivity, attentive presence, non-verbal communication, improvisation, role-playing, risk-taking, creativity, critical thinking and teach that when we make mistakes, it often points to new opportunities and directions, so mistakes can be treated as positives rather than negatives.
Intuition can be learned
Improvisation can be defined as intuition that spontaneously directs action. This skill can be taught like other social and interactive skills. During the improvisation trainings, the participants learn through experiential discovery, everyone gets the opportunity to express themselves creatively, to play together, to have their ideas accepted and used by the group, and to be helped to solve their mistakes together by the team, and to use them as a new starting point as a different point of view . Improvisational theater exercises and games are tools that can be used on their own or complement any existing educational strategy.
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Csapatépítő programok, céges előadások:
Tímea Bernát
+36 30 312 6558

„Az imprós keretrendszer átélhetővé, érthetővé teszi a hétköznapi és vállalati szituációkat is. Kötetlenül belecsöppenhetünk egy-két jelenetbe és próbára tehetjük magunkat. Fejleszthetjük az egyéneket és az egyének közötti együttműködéseket is. Kiváló csapatépítő és fejlesztő élményprogram. A társulat segítségével azokat a kollégákat is sikerült észrevétlenül bevonni és szórakoztatni, szereplésre bírni, akik nagyon introvertáltak. Az extrovertáltakról nem is beszélve."
Barathi Tamás
Blue Colibri International Kft.