Morning Game For Fun
Start the day recharged!
Do you also work in the afternoon? Are you a mom or a university student? Are you annoyed that all the good social programs fall in the evening?
Treat yourself to three hours of fun in the morning every week! No prior training is required, we welcome all adults who want to recharge!
What the trainings give you

Flow Experience
"Let yourself play" - we help you immerse yourself and forget about the process. Experiencing creation and creativity helps you maintain your mental health and find the bright side.

Letting go, liberation
Improvisation gives us the opportunity to get rid of behavior patterns and barriers that do not help us. At the same time, there is no expected result, we do not try to conserve the moment, improvisation is about the present.

Attention, care
In addition to relaxing and learning to be present "here and now", you give and receive care from others and from yourself.

Awakening curiosity
As a side effect, you may be tempted to learn more about this wonderful method; or immerse yourself more in a sub-theme.

Increasing social experiences
You train your concentration, communication and social skills in our training sessions. If you regularly improvise, you will be more flexible and you will be able to connect with your surroundings more easily.

A change in attitude
It can easily happen that you also feel the effect of the impro in your everyday life - if this happens, don't hesitate to share it with us!
The positive effects of improvisation
How are the trainings structured?
Exactly how we spend the morning depends to a large extent on the activity and interest of the participants, our focus for the day, and many external and internal factors, all of which we take into account in order to spend the three hours available to us together in the most useful and enjoyable way for the group. Of course, there are basics that you can always count on.
Nothing is mandatory in the sessions, there are no uniform expectations, everyone tries to make the limits of their own comfort zone flexible.
You can count on a lot of group, movement games, exercises that train attention and concentration, with which we prepare ourselves for improvisation.
Improv fundamentals
We will get to know the basic concepts of impromptu, find out what an offer, block, change is based on. We play scenes, learn some game rules, turn into superheroes, and save the world.

Practical information
Time of classes
Each session lasts from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
on the following days:
- január 7., 14., 21., 28.
- február 4., 11., 18., 25.
- március 4., 11., 18., 25.
- április 1., 8., 15., 22., 29.
Itt és Most Community Space,
1092 Budapest, Ráday utca 18.
Entrance from Erkel utca 15, look for doorbell number 12!
How much does it cost?
HUF 6,000
/ main / occasion
HUF 22,000
/ person / 4 occasions
Buy 4 suitable passes at a discount, which you can use for one month.
- Validity period of the pass: the current month.
- If you bring another person with you, they come at half price the first time! 😉
- You can apply continuously, if you want to join, send us an e-mail beforehand.
- We can keep the group by observing the epidemic prevention measures.
"Being in the moment, forgetting the outside world. That's what morning fun means to me. Thanks to the games, I somehow turn off my constantly nagging brain, my compulsion to conform, and turn on my carefree, playful part and forget the outside world, my problems and things to do for three hours. I don't need any preparation, somehow the games bring out thoughts and ideas from me that I don't expect. A cool and accepting atmosphere develops, where there really is no wrong decision or bad sign, and it is not a tragedy if I feel that something did not go so well. I learn a lot about myself and about playing together with a partner, about paying attention to each other, which then seeps into my everyday life. And I'm also learning a lot about impro, which is a wonderfully cool technique for increasing courage. 🙂"
Morning Game For Fun