

Rendhagyó, rendezett színházi előadás az Itt és Most színpadán

Lake Balaton is roughly 600 square kilometers of continuous body of water. It often has storms. The Balaton storm is terrifying.

Sándor Bot has a sailboat. A sailboat on Lake Balaton. Experienced sailor, not afraid of water or storms. Not even if it's from Balaton. 

Teréz Kun has a husband. They don't have a sailboat. They have to rent. None of them are experienced sailors, they have no idea that water is sometimes worth being afraid of.

Imre Sarkadi's short novel "In a Storm" begins in the port of Badacsony, and then takes the reader to other storms in addition to the fierce Balaton. The stage adaptation of Itt és Most Társulat uses puritan stage equipment and live music to create the physical, mental and emotional storms of the characters in a closed space.

What is the show based on?

Rendezett előadás

Az Itt és Most Társulat történetében második alkalommal játszunk olyan előadást, amelynek formanyelve eltér az imprótól. Boda Tibor, a darab színpadra alkalmazója és rendezője ezt a monologikus kisregényt három színésszel és egy zenésszel álmodta az alternatív módon berendezett színháztermünkbe.

Intim tér

Mindenben nem rugaszkodtunk el az imprótól, igyekeztünk a rögtönzés személyességét, jelenidejűségét megtartani, s erre a legjobb eszköznek a térhasználatot, a játszók és a közönség testközelségét találtuk.


Az előadás örökké aktuális kérdéseket feszeget, ráadásul azon vagyunk, hogy a kérdések kérdések is maradjanak, ne mi mondjuk meg a tutit. Hogy mindenki kíváncsiságát kielégítve mehessen haza, az előadás után beszélgetésre várjuk a nézőket.

Élménybeszámoló egy korábbi előadásról:

Practical information

  • Ez alkalommal rendezett előadásra váltasz jegyet. 
  • Van szövegkönyve, ezzel együtt estéről estére piciket változhat az előadás. 
  • S ahogy nálunk mindig: a színpad a színészeké és közreműködőké – nézői széked biztonságából figyelheted, mi történik.

Itt és Most Community Space,
1092 Budapest,
Ráday Street 18.

Entrance from Erkel utca 15, look for doorbell number 12!

  • Cím: Lélekvesztő – Sarkadi Imre: Viharban című kisregényének adaptációja
  • Az előadás időtartama: 60 perc plusz beszélgetés
  • Célcsoport: felnőttek
  • Személyi feltételek: két színész, egy zenész, egy technikus
Customer reviews

They said about us

"Sorry that it's just now, but I'll write the review, which you can post anywhere. 🙂

You guys were fantastic! Family and friends are maniac about you ever since, that these kinds of experience gifts are the best and thank you for the evening. It can happen, that you will receive more similar requests. 🙂 

Thank you for noting all the funny little things, for being kind and professional, for serving Fanni's favorite foods. Thank you for the many Harry Potters and Wolverines, the many interactivity and smiles. We will also go to a performance! You didn't get rid of us."


Judit Barna
birthday organizer

"Dear Itt és Most Company!

I'm only writing because I was so excited by your presentation yesterday. He was a virtuoso, full of life, happy-sad - in a word, wonderful. I wish you many, many such joint successes - and such spectator experiences for me. Hats off! I've seen more than fifty impro performances, and of course many brilliant ones, but this one from yesterday will definitely be one of the ones I'll always remember.



Tamás Ijjas
writer, poet, improviser

"We have been there several times, with children or just as a romantic couple.. a real recharge. Great fun, never boring situations, lovable, professional team."


Zsuzsa Illés

"We wanted a production based on interactive scenes showing our stereotypes about the Danes, for a wide age group - from children to the elderly - for a family program of several ages. The company handled our multi-faceted request with infinite flexibility, their continuous cooperative skills, predictable contact, and regular feedback made a particularly good impression on us and greatly facilitated the work of the organizers.

Finally what About the Danes  we saw at the performance: talent, creativity, momentum, humor, tension, resolution, a happy and satisfied audience.

The members of the IttésMost Társulat showed up at our place on time, both professionally and spiritually prepared. In the individual scenes, they demonstrated serious acting skills combined with ease. They quickly found common ground with the audience and were able to involve them in the individual scenes. They were able to easily create a relaxed atmosphere without using any popular elements. Their comprehensive but entertaining presentation greatly contributed to the success of our event."


Orsolya Kiss-Szitár
head of member institution
Wekerlei Cultural Center and Library

"Organized last year, summer, FREE P-ART! At our event, the Itt és Most Társulat performed with great audience success. Then and there, they stopped young and old relaxing on the direct shore of Lake Balaton, older people walking their dogs on the shore, and young people and foreigners cycling around Lake Balaton with their entertaining and thought-provoking performance that worked the abdominal muscles in an extra way from laughter. The immediacy, play and playfulness of the actors, the "improvised" production at the given moment, then and there, was thoroughly elaborated and composed, and at the same time, it testified to extraordinary professionalism, reacting extremely sensitively and subtly, but immediately, to every movement of the audience.

Here and now, I believe that we were lucky enough to see a performance by a very talented, well-rehearsed troupe, a troupe with whom no two performances are alike, who are able to renew themselves every week, every day, extremely creatively and playfully showing our everyday life, human habits, mistakes, and the bittersweet, wonderful existence of life comically brought to life."


Little Rita
main organizer
Szabad-a-Beach Festival

"Don't be angry that I'm only now answering... but I only owe you thanks for surprising us again with a high-quality, demanding production.

The feedback confirms this, one of the teachers told me that his students had never felt so good in the theater.

Thanks again for everything!"


Attila Beszterczey
Gyulai Castle Theater Ltd.

"I would like to thank you once again for your performances last week! 

Just so you understand, my friends gave me a fantastic party, but your performance made the experience even better. It was very witty and personal at the same time! Among other things, we have been paraphrasing the job interview ever since!

I bring you good news and I hope to see you again!"


György Rubovszky

"This team really knows their stuff! 😉
With a professional, well-prepared, professionally and personally well-trained teaching staff, with colorful performances for both children and adults. I like to study with them, because with the knowledge I learn from them in the courses and the experiences I have with them, I can assert myself better in other areas of life. It helps me release my inhibitions, express my feelings, find the words I'm looking for faster and be more flexible. I love improv, the world really needs this genre, because it strengthens our uniqueness and it is the only chance for us to control our lives. I will be free by the end of the day and that will define my week. Thanks."


Agnes Sas
Improv Academy participant

"Itt és Most offers great courses and events for those who want to try or continue improv as a game, acting, entertainment, or who want to improve their handling of situations, or who are nervous about acting but don't want to, or who want to meet new people :) . Super friendly and good company."


Nina Sarankó
Improv Academy participant
