The Coward - theatrical performance premiere - interview with Anna Janó

May 15, 2023 | Here and Now Company News and Blog, Our own news

Written by: Gabor Szőke

Itt és Most Társulat presents the adaptation of Imre Sarkadi's short novel A gyáva. In our seven questions, seven answers series, Anna Janó finally answers Veronika Bán-Horváth's questions.

In our seven questions, seven answers series, Anna Janó finally answers Veronika Bán-Horváth's questions.

Anna Janó in the performance The Coward 

The Coward - theatrical performance premiere

On October 23, 2022, the Itt és Most Társulat will present a new theater performance. The play Imre Sarkadi: The coward c. based on his short novel, directed by Nándor Varju with the participation of Péter Szintai-Molnár. Starring Anna Janó and Tibor Boda are visible. 

BHV: When you graduated from the Marosvásárhely University of Drama in 2017, you returned to Itt és Most Társulat, where you have been strengthening the team as an improvisational theater actor and trainer ever since. You also had traditional theater roles from time to time, and now the director, Nándi Varju, has offered you a monodrama. How do you feel about this genre? 

JA: I met the genre of monodrama at university when I was admitted to the master's program after the basic course. Then I chose a material that was much shorter than this, but I really liked the responsibility, the excitement, the colors of being all part of the performance. Here, however, Tibi is an integral part of every moment, playing the character of Éva in a virtuoso way. A monodrama is a special type of acting, because the concentration is even denser than in a multi-actor play. I like this kind of pressure, and I tried to cope with this work process as well.

BHV:The name monodrama remained, but it was added to the scene: two mouths. In practice, this means that you got a partner, Boda Tibi plays the male characters. Nándi put it like this, at some point you realized that this woman depends on men, and that's why it's worth showing them too. How do you see Eve the Coward?

YES: I don't want to reveal whether he is a coward or not, I would leave it up to the viewers to finish this thought. Éva is there in every woman, with her doubts, charm, decisiveness, indecision and fallibility. The biblical name choice is also interesting, it just occurred to me. I believe that every female viewer can relate to her at some point, and every male viewer has met an Eva once in their life.

BHV: What do you and Éva have in common, and what makes you completely separate from the character you play?

JA: I am also a woman, and I think this covers all the emotional and color cavalcade that men love and "hate" in us. I can't talk about isolation, because I didn't have to keep the character from myself, I could give myself completely to the game without any injuries.

BHV:What questions do you think Éva's fate raises in Hungary in 2022?

YES: If I answered this now, I would spoil the show. Here is the place for advertising, come and have a look, and let's find an answer to this together!

BHV: You are in for an intense start to the season, because in addition to The Coward, Epic Theater Company: Married here and beyond you are also preparing for its premiere. In addition, you play in the impromptu performances of the Itt és Most Társulat, hold training sessions, and let's not forget your permanent job at the Gloriett Development House. How do you prepare for presentations? Do you have a secret time saver?

YES: I was and still am a big Harry Potter fan, so I would be extremely grateful for Hermione's time saver... But joking aside, all my work encourages me to allocate my time wisely and usefully, including the days for rest. It is important that these are not rewards, but things that go without saying. I've never rehearsed two shows at the same time, so it's a special situation, but I try to be on point everywhere. Of course, I'm also human, so it happens that I get tired or I'm more defocused than I should be. I am lucky for my background country, which is my family and my colleagues, because I am surrounded by a supportive atmosphere everywhere, so I feel that there is something to keep going and to be filled even on the hardest days.

BHV: As far as I know, Varju with Nándi, Boda with Tibi and With Peti Szintai- Molnár You worked in a great mood during the trial process this September. What do you think boys' superpowers are? 

JA: Nándi was present with an infinitely patient, loving and understanding directing attitude, so it was very easy to work together. Tibi is a maximalist, true old-fashioned actor committed to his work. He is constantly present, he listens, he listens, and he takes the test literally, so there is never a shortage of ideas on his part, which I like about him. And Péter was present as a know-it-all, who was available to the team as a helper, as a technician, as a technician, as an analyst, or as a partner when needed, for which we cannot be grateful to him enough.

BHV: What is your favorite line from the show?

JA: "The work between the two of us is still nothing."

Itt és Most Társulat "A gyáva" című előadásból egy pillanat. A képen Janó Anna és Boda Tibor látható.

A moment from the Here and Now Társulat "The Coward" performance. The picture shows Anna Janó and Tibor Boda.

The performance is a National cultural Fund was created with the support of

Ticket exchange:

The permission of Imre Sarkadi's heirs was mediated by HOFRA Kft.

Thank you for the conversation Anna Janó to my colleague.