For Schools

Student trainings

Tematikus közösségépítő és érzékenyítő foglalkozások iskolásoknak

Mozduljatok ki a tanteremből! Az Itt és Most Színház és Közösségi Térben tartott tréningeinken megtörjük a rutint.

A szokásos keretek közül kilépve a diákok olyan gyakorlatokban, játékokban próbálhatják ki magukat, amik számos készségterületet megmozgatnak, így képességfejlesztés szempontjából is hasznosak, ugyanakkor felhőtlen szórakozást is biztosítanak az osztály számára.

Amit a tréningek adnak

Mozduljatok ki a tanteremből! Az Itt és Most Színház és Közösségi Térben tartott tréningeinken megtörjük a rutint. A szokásos keretek közül kilépve a diákok olyan gyakorlatokban, játékokban próbálhatják ki magukat, amik számos készségterületet megmozgatnak, így képességfejlesztés szempontjából is hasznosak, ugyanakkor felhőtlen szórakozást is biztosítanak az osztály számára.

Közösségi élmény

A diákok olyan oldalukról ismerhetik meg egymást, ami az iskolában rejtve marad. Az új élmények új kapcsolódásokat hoznak, csoportdinamikai változásokat indítanak el, érzékenyítik a diákokat egymás elfogadása iránt.

Egyéni erősségek

A kapcsolódás, közös élmény van fókuszban, ugyanakkor az egyéni képességek, hozzáadott értékek is teret kapnak. A tanulók önismeretét, rugalmasságát, és önbizalmát is növelik a tréningek.

Kreativitás kibontakoztatása

A kreativitás nem csak a művészeti területeken hasznos képesség. A problémamegoldó gondolkodást, talpraesettség az iskolán túl, a mindennapi életben is hasznos tudás – teret adunk ezek fejlesztésére.

Milyen típusú tréningeket ajánlunk?


Akár újonnan alakuló osztályközösségről van szó, akár több éve együttlévő csoportról, a játékaink maradandó élményt biztosítanak. A diákok különböző területeken próbálják ki magukat egész csoportos, kiscsoportos, páros helyzetekben, amikben a felfedezés örömén van a hangsúly.

Tematikus tréningek

A játék a tanulás egyik leghatékonyabb és legélvezetesebb módja. Akár tantárgyi keretekhez kapcsolódva is ki tudunk dolgozni drámapedagógiai és improvizációs módszereken alapuló tréninget, ami garantáltan megmozgatja az osztályt.

Improvizációs helyzetgyakorlatok

Diákok és pedagógusok is kerestek már meg minket azzal az igénnyel, hogy a tanulók szeretnék kipróbálni az improvizációt, kifejezetten arra vágynak, hogy helyzetgyakorlatokban, színházi játékokban vegyenek részt. Az Itt és Most ajtajai nyitva állnak!


Diákok ötletelnek egy flipchart papír körül ülve.

Practical information

  • Complex improvisation-based training series tailored to groups
  • Közösségformálás, csapatépítés, improvizáció és élménypedagógia
  • If required, processing of specific topics (as part of topic days, project days)
  • Target group: 6-8th graders, high school students, university students
  • Period: 90 minutes/ 180 minutes
  • Personal conditions: 2-4 main trainers per group (depending on group size)
Request for

Kíváncsi vagy hogy miként tudná ez a program segíteni a te diákjaidat?

Fill out the form and we will contact you shortly.

Customer reviews

They said about us

"The company is our Dependencies c. gave a lecture with their program for the high school students of Tata and its sub-region. We know from the feedback that the show was very successful. I really liked how the young people were involved in the performance and presented the problems they proposed in an improvisational way. The structure of the performance, the acting work, the question-and-answer at the end of the performance, was inventive, useful, thought-provoking and preventive."

Attila Busa
addiction consultant, secretary
Tata Drug Conciliation Forum

"It was very good. There was a topic that I identified with, I specifically saw myself in one of the topics and it was touching. The only thing that could be changed is that they tell me better about how to get rid of my addiction."

"There were many things I could relate to. It was funny and meaningful at the same time."

"It was useful, interesting and touching. They played very well and whether we are involved or not, this show will improve the way you think about life."

"I tell the company to keep doing it the same way."

"We could go to more of these, I would look at more roads or other topics."


Our Dependencies c. program viewers
Student perspective Elementary School and High School

"Based on the teachers' feedback, the program drew attention to the importance of a nutritious breakfast in an extremely humorous way, taking into account the characteristics of the age group. In connection with the "rEGGelem" program, we were able to meet professionals who were authentic, being courageous in leaving the classroom environment behind and provided our students with the knowledge and skills that are essential for the development of a conscious, healthy diet. The recipes, small ideas, language games and jokes reached the children through the voice of directness, as a result of which they learned a lot without being noticed. On behalf of the teachers of the institutions, we congratulate the program, hoping that it will reach all children - by finding suitable sponsors - helping to educate them about health.


Katalin Pethő
Deputy Director
Lilla Téri Elementary School, Debrecen

"It was really fun, I enjoyed it.



"It was very good, I really enjoyed it, I hope we will come again"

"There were creative exercises, I enjoyed them ❤️"

"It was good, at least we missed the lessons, thank you, our inner child came up a bit, so it was very good"

"At the beginning I thought it was going to be boring, but I really liked it, especially the second half"

"I really enjoyed the games, I also liked that we spoke English, so we could practice. I especially liked the games where you could move and dance."


Students of the 7th grade
Csoma Sándor Kőrösi Bilingual Primary School

"Our Dependencies program had a lot of positive feedback from our colleagues and students.

Several parents wrote letters of thanks, there was also an example where the parent indicated that his child had never reported on what happened at school, but now he was enthusiastically telling about the program.

It also happened that after the program our student opened up and shared his experiences with his anxieties with his peers.

Thank you once again for the informative, 'up-to-date' program.


Ildikó Bálint and Hajnal Elsässer

Premontre St. Norbert High School, Church Music Vocational High School, Elementary Art School and College

"It was very good, thank you! It was exciting and the staff is also very good"

"Say better! (This is one of the games)”

"I felt very well! I expected bad things, but I was pleasantly disappointed"

“5! BEST"

"It was good and enjoyable, the time passed quickly, I would have liked to stay."

"10/9 top ten, it was good"

"It was good, I don't often improvise, it was good to see things through"


Students of class 9/c
BGSZC Szent István Technical College and College

"I blossomed.

"I thought it wouldn't be good, but in the end I felt really good. ❤️”

"It was much better than I expected. I really liked that nothing was forced on us."

"Interesting, but good. It was very good."

"Care. ❤️”

"The speakers were very positive. They were good assignments."

"It was exciting, but a bit short, not enough. I was able to draw a lot of conclusions about my classmates.”



Students of class 9/c
Károly Gundel BKSZC, Hospitality and Tourism Technical College

"It was great, I enjoyed it! Especially since we were moving and playing!

"It was extra"

"Liked it ❤️"

"It was good and funny, there could have been more food in the buffet"

"I felt good. ❤️❤️❤️”

"It was the best! I really liked the playful tasks."

"It was great, the games were rough."

"It was good, it was exciting."


Students of class 9/b
BGSZC Szent István Technical College