for schools

Complex programs

Stimulus dumping, desire to conform, anxiety, attraction, addiction... school life is not only about the curriculum.

Our complex school programs provide space for the processing of topics of interest to adolescents. Is it hard to talk about? Sensitive question? It's not taboo! Improvisational theater can also help in this situation.

It is a common experience that addressing Generation Z with traditional means is becoming more and more challenging. Those born in the digital age are more at home in the online world, their lives have sped up, they are looking for immediate feedback, and they are more impulsive. In addition, they strongly believe in themselves, have firm and high expectations and want to make the world a better place. What makes improvisational theater work better than them?

Why is it
Is improvisational theater successful in schools?

It's happening here and now

Our complex school programs focus on issues that are really present in the lives of young people. The stage situations are created in the present - we do not act out a play written in advance, but based on the given circumstances and the ideas of the audience, we examine human dilemmas and decision situations.


We build the fictional scenes based on the children's ideas. We start a conversation with them, we are also interested in their opinions and questions when processing the topics. Without the inspiration from them, the performance would not be possible.

There are no taboos

We don't avoid the hot mess, we cut right into the middle of it and incorporate even the wildest ideas into the performance. Our trained experts (psychologist, social worker)
with its help, we look behind the surface in an easily digestible form.


Available programs

The development of our complex school programs was preceded by thorough preparation and research. In addition to the drama and special education teachers, actors, trainers, and training specialists working in the Itt és Most Társulat, psychologists and social worker experts also participated in the development of the projects, and they also cooperate with our professional team during the implementation. If we have tender resources available, we deliver the complex programs free of charge primarily to socially disadvantaged areas, and they can also be ordered independently. We recommend them primarily for schools, cultural centers and community centers.

Our addictions

  • A complex improvisation-based program on the topic of addiction
  • Honestly about addictions - because we can depend on anything
  • Thinking from multiple points of view, empathy, honesty, asking questions instead of judging
  • Target group: 7-8th graders, high school students, university students
  • Period: 60-minute lecture + 30-60 minute discussion
  • Personal conditions: a game master, four actors, a technician and an expert from the Hungarian Reformed Church's Mission to Save the Abandoned Youth (KIMM)


  • Komplex improvizáció alapú program az éghajlatváltozás témakörében
  • Milyen lesz a Föld 2050-ben, ha a klímaváltozás már most az ajtónkon kopogtat?
  • Felmelegedés, túlfogyasztás, katasztrófafantáziák, környzetettudatosság, társadalmi felelősségvállalás és cselekvési lehetőségek
  • Target group: 7-8th graders, high school students, university students
  • Period: 90 perces komplex program
  • Personal conditions: játékmester, négy színész, egy zenész, egy technikus valamint Nagy Réka klímakommunikációs szakértő segíti a téma feldolgozását

Student trainings

  • Complex improvisation-based training series tailored to groups
  • Community formation, sensitization, team building, improvisation and experiential pedagogy
  • If required, processing of specific topics (as part of topic days, project days)
  • Target group: 6-8th graders, high school students, university students
  • Period: 90 minutes/ 180 minutes
  • Personal conditions: 2-4 main trainers per group (depending on group size)

Clip program

– theater of generations

  • Complex improvisation-based training series
  • Bridging the generation gap, searching for points of connection
    Lots of exercises and playful situations to get to know each other
  • Target group: Young people aged 15-20 and seniors over 60/65 in groups of 10-20
  • Period: we recommend it to those who think in a process and are open to joint organization, because knowledge of local needs and local knowledge is essential for the success of the program
  • Personal conditions: 2 main trainers (drama and special education teacher) per group

Improv in the schools!

Itt és Most Társulat also offers improvisation performances and trainings for young people. Regardless of the program types, we believe that there is a place for improvisation in education and training. In addition to the two lectures and trainings recommended here, we have also brought improv-based programs to schools adapted to individual needs - camp sessions, thematic lectures, or workshops for teachers. The common feature of these is that the basic principles of improv and the positive effects of improv prevail in them.


In the world of Internet stimulus dumping and smart devices, it is easy to slip into living our lives in online spaces. This deprives us of the ability to read from the given situation, from the other person's voice, posture, and facial expressions, and does not give us shared experiences as if we were in the same space and time, HERE and NOW. Improvisation is the art of presence. It's like a good workout - it improves attention, social and communication skills. When we improvise, we say yes to the unknown.


With our reactions and actions, we make decisions, the consequences of which cannot be foreseen - because during improvisation, we cannot see into our partner's mind. Unexpected situations in the impro do not mean that we have messed anything up - we look for and research change. We make them aware of what is happening, we don't look away, we don't pretend that we didn't see the partner's hesitation or joy, but we say yes to the fact that this is happening to us HERE and NOW. Our basic principle is acceptance: we do not qualify the other's reaction, but share our own experiences in an assertive manner.


The fear of making mistakes dissolves during improvisation exercises, and this also promotes creative, problem-solving thinking. In a safe environment, we learn experientially, we can experiment with different possibilities of action, while we experience a creative and joyful activity. These experiences give us the strength to respond boldly and assertively to unfamiliar situations in everyday life. Improvisation increases resilience and stress tolerance.


Why do I react in certain ways? Am I satisfied with my decisions? What do I need to be able to really pay attention and be present? When we perform improv exercises or act out and watch scenes, we gain experience in relation to human issues and our own inner workings. Improvisation develops self-awareness and self-confidence, and gives space to exchange ideas about experiences.


During improvisation, the actors incorporate the children's ideas into the performance, and during training sessions, each other's thoughts and actions operate the games. The class community that supports each other not only improves the school atmosphere, but also helps the students in their personal development and the development of their competences. Today's teenagers will be the workers of the future, so it is in the interest of all of us that they become capable of the cooperation and connection necessary for social existence.

Customer reviews

They said about us

„Egy figyelemfelkeltő és interaktív prevenciós előadást szerettünk volna szervezni a meghívott diákoknak, pedagógusoknak, intézményvezetőknek, ezért kerestünk fel Titeket. A közönséget bevonva, a figyelmet mindig fenntartva adtatok át nagyon fontos ismeretet a függőség témakörében. A döbbent csend és a hangos nevetés váltotta egymást a másfél órás előadás alatt, melynek tökéletes kiegészítője volt a meghívott szakértő, aki minden kérdésünkre tabuk nélkül válaszolt.

Amikor a színpadra hívtalak Titeket, azt kértem a közönségtől, hogy nyitott szívvel fogadja a produkciót. A végére mindenki a szívébe zárta a társulat tagjait!

Már tervezzük a következő alkalmat Veletek, addig is sok sikert kívánok!”

Markovic Anita
ügyvezető asszisztens
Prosperis Alba Kutatóközpont

"The different ages were offered content that is current, very interesting, and from the point of view of child protection, the provided content and helping the educational process are both valuable. Subsequent short conversations with the students showed that they had gained a lot of knowledge, but in a way that the given topic required (the Internet, relaxation, addiction appeared in different styles). (…) The 9-12th graders had a strong emotional involvement, mobilizing, but at the same time realistic presentation about all addictions. The many and varied questions asked by the students during the subsequent professional discussion showed that the improvisational theater fully achieved the set (and set) goals."

Erika Stiblar
consultant psychologist, relaxation and symbol therapist

"The company is our Dependencies c. gave a lecture with their program for the high school students of Tata and its sub-region. We know from the feedback that the show was very successful. I really liked how the young people were involved in the performance and presented the problems they proposed in an improvisational way. The structure of the performance, the acting work, the question-and-answer at the end of the performance, was inventive, useful, thought-provoking and preventive."

Attila Busa
addiction consultant, secretary
Tata Drug Conciliation Forum

"It was very good. There was a topic that I identified with, I specifically saw myself in one of the topics and it was touching. The only thing that could be changed is that they tell me better about how to get rid of my addiction."

"There were many things I could relate to. It was funny and meaningful at the same time."

"It was useful, interesting and touching. They played very well and whether we are involved or not, this show will improve the way you think about life."

"I tell the company to keep doing it the same way."

"We could go to more of these, I would look at more roads or other topics."


Our Dependencies c. program viewers
Student perspective Elementary School and High School

"Based on the teachers' feedback, the program drew attention to the importance of a nutritious breakfast in an extremely humorous way, taking into account the characteristics of the age group. In connection with the "rEGGelem" program, we were able to meet professionals who were authentic, being courageous in leaving the classroom environment behind and provided our students with the knowledge and skills that are essential for the development of a conscious, healthy diet. The recipes, small ideas, language games and jokes reached the children through the voice of directness, as a result of which they learned a lot without being noticed. On behalf of the teachers of the institutions, we congratulate the program, hoping that it will reach all children - by finding suitable sponsors - helping to educate them about health.


Katalin Pethő
Deputy Director
Lilla Téri Elementary School, Debrecen

"It was really fun, I enjoyed it.



"It was very good, I really enjoyed it, I hope we will come again"

"There were creative exercises, I enjoyed them ❤️"

"It was good, at least we missed the lessons, thank you, our inner child came up a bit, so it was very good"

"At the beginning I thought it was going to be boring, but I really liked it, especially the second half"

"I really enjoyed the games, I also liked that we spoke English, so we could practice. I especially liked the games where you could move and dance."


Students of the 7th grade
Csoma Sándor Kőrösi Bilingual Primary School

"Our Dependencies program had a lot of positive feedback from our colleagues and students.

Several parents wrote letters of thanks, there was also an example where the parent indicated that his child had never reported on what happened at school, but now he was enthusiastically telling about the program.

It also happened that after the program our student opened up and shared his experiences with his anxieties with his peers.

Thank you once again for the informative, 'up-to-date' program.


Ildikó Bálint and Hajnal Elsässer

Premontre St. Norbert High School, Church Music Vocational High School, Elementary Art School and College

"It was very good, thank you! It was exciting and the staff is also very good"

"Say better! (This is one of the games)”

"I felt very well! I expected bad things, but I was pleasantly disappointed"

“5! BEST"

"It was good and enjoyable, the time passed quickly, I would have liked to stay."

"10/9 top ten, it was good"

"It was good, I don't often improvise, it was good to see things through"


Students of class 9/c
BGSZC Szent István Technical College and College

"I blossomed.

"I thought it wouldn't be good, but in the end I felt really good. ❤️”

"It was much better than I expected. I really liked that nothing was forced on us."

"Interesting, but good. It was very good."

"Care. ❤️”

"The speakers were very positive. They were good assignments."

"It was exciting, but a bit short, not enough. I was able to draw a lot of conclusions about my classmates.”



Students of class 9/c
Károly Gundel BKSZC, Hospitality and Tourism Technical College

"It was great, I enjoyed it! Especially since we were moving and playing!

"It was extra"

"Liked it ❤️"

"It was good and funny, there could have been more food in the buffet"

"I felt good. ❤️❤️❤️”

"It was the best! I really liked the playful tasks."

"It was great, the games were rough."

"It was good, it was exciting."


Students of class 9/b
BGSZC Szent István Technical College

Request for

Are you wondering how this program could help your school?

Fill out the form and we will contact you shortly.

Diáktréningek, iskolai előadások:

Tímea Bernát

+36 30 312 6558
