"The Man's Daughter" - Women Now - Improvisation performance

Oct 19, 2020 | Here and Now Company News and Blog, They wrote this about us

Written by: Gabor Szőke

The female members of the Society presented an experimental performance in the Itt és Most Community Square.

Judit Nikoletta Tóth's report on the Nők Most improvisation performance on artnews.hu.

"But the play also goes beyond the very difficult bad habits that ruin the lives of family generations, since what is also the noblest result of the life of the main character, whom the audience christened Anna - which has occupied me for a very long time - is what it means to be honest, to be an honest woman .”

"Even after all this, it would be a mistake to believe that the creators of the show, which is basically based on female roles (mother-daughter relationship, girlfriend relationships), or the women they portrayed, did not think about men. The man is present as energy, which is an indispensable, inseparable element of the fulfillment of womanhood - in this case, the lady baptized as Anna by the audience. The fact that this can happen as a woman in such a way that the man is only tangentially present stems from the fact that they have found a form of connection and attachment to each other where gender does not determine belonging."

Photo: Attila Bán-Horváth

I read the article:

Man's daughter