Climate anxiety and coping: Föld2222 – You have to look out from under the hood!

17 Jun 2022 | Here and Now Company News and Blog, They wrote this about us

Written by: Gabor Szőke

Our performance Föld2222 is an improvisational disaster fantasy set in an imagined future.

Magdolna Szabó Györgyei saw the Zöme Festival organized in the Jurányi House Earth2222, our climate anxiety-focused improvisation performance. He shared his experiences in the following article on the website.

"How will people live in two hundred years? Will robots roam the streets and rule the Earth? Maybe one Mad Maxis a regressive civilizational era waiting for them? Or do they vegetate completely separated from each other, living only in virtual existence, hanging on to technology? (…)

The main message of the presentation was this: let's look further, not only the present and our own problems influence our thinking.

If we move a little away from the human-centered view, we realize that man is not the most important being, but only a species, without which the Earth would merrily oppose. We have to adapt and find our way back to nature, not the other way around. ” can be read from the report of the Föld2222 presentation.

Photos: Norbert Hartyányi/Kultú