The Conceit: Snapshot (Ireland) IMPROV SHOW AND JAM
We’ll be staging a three person monoscene based on an every-day situation suggested to us by the audience (lunch at the office, for example). By delving into the personal lives of three or more characters, improvisers will lay bare the comic and dramatic realities that lay underneath even the most commonplace of human interactions.
Performers: Paul Mone, Niall McKenna, Nicola Kenny
20.00-21.00: IMPROV JAM in english
Following the 45 minutes show, the member of The Conceit, Instantaneos and Itt és Most Társulat gather and jam with the members of the audience in a free format improv play. This is your unique chance to play with festival performers and teachers! Come play or come watch! No experience necessary!
Tickets: https://ittesmosttarsulat.jegy.hu/program/the-conceit-snapshot-ireland-improv-show-152952
Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/ghpCkp4Yr