We play for you!
Every week in Ráday Street
Our passion is improvisation, and we make every effort to introduce this genre to as many viewers as possible.
If you want light entertainment, visit our theater in downtown Budapest, where we play weekly performances. We are happy to travel our productions to other locations in the countryside and the capital, take a look at our offer!
Délelőtti Örömjáték Gregus Lacival
2025.01.14. – Kedd – 09.30-12.30
Treat yourself to three hours of fun in the morning every week! No prior training is required, we welcome all adults who want to recharge!
Connect Conflict Night: Generációk (H)Arcai
2025.01.16. – Csütörtök – 19:00 – ÁTRIUM
Interaktív előadás improvizációs színészek és szakértő vendégek bevonásával.
Délelőtti Örömjáték Gregus Lacival
2025.01.21. – Kedd – 09.30-12.30
Treat yourself to three hours of fun in the morning every week! No prior training is required, we welcome all adults who want to recharge!
Itt és Most Impró Akadémia – Alapozó 1 csoportindítás
2025.01.22. – Szerda – 18.00-21.00
Ismét kinyitja ajtajait az Itt és Most Impró Akadémia – a 2024/25-ös évad második felében új Alapzó kurzust indítunk.
Délelőtti Örömjáték Gregus Lacival
2025.01.28. – Kedd – 09.30-12.30
Treat yourself to three hours of fun in the morning every week! No prior training is required, we welcome all adults who want to recharge!
Connect Conflict Night: Konstruktív visszajelzés & nemet mondás
2025.02.06. – Csütörtök – 19:00 – ÁTRIUM
Interaktív előadás improvizációs színészek és szakértő vendégek bevonásával.
Our performances
Choose from our offer the performance that best suits your needs and the occasion.
Are you curious about a fairy tale in which you invent the characters and you can shape the story? We'll play it for you! We don't know what kind of heroes will appear either, since everything happens here and now on stage. An interactive fairy tale presentation, which is also highly recommended for children-at-heart adults.
He remembered
Would you like to watch a good adventure movie? Heartbreaking drama? A romantic comedy? Sci-fi, horror, fantasy? Which story would you look into? Go to the movies like never before: live, backwards, so that the screen does not separate you from the actors.
Key man
An exclusive, intimate experience, an exciting interweaving of music and theater, interview and stage play. A talented musician, a conversation partner, four actors. How does music inspire stage play, play inspires music, and all of this inspires conversation?
Inspired by the ideas of the audience, our actors jump headlong into the unknown. Two people face each other - who could they be? Why are they here and why now? Attention: the scenes are greatly influenced by the audience, the weather of the day, and the atmosphere of the event. What happens on stage stays there!
We are having fun with you!
Every workplace has its own dictionary, typical life situations, and word-of-mouth stories. Our actors improvise short scenes about things they usually have no idea about - but even more so for you! A performance specifically recommended for company events.
A klímaváltozás sokáig csak egy megfoghatatlan, távoli jövőben bekövetkező fenyegetésnek tűnt, azonban az utóbbi évtizedben odáig jutott az emberiség, hogy a jelenség formálja a mindennapjainkat. Vajon milyen lesz a világunk 25 év múlva? Improvizált történet a jövőben, hogy tisztábban lássuk a jelent.
Our addictions
Work, career, phone, just a spike, just a little spin, just a sip, just to be able to sleep... What do you depend on? Interactive prevention presentation, the focus of which is on questioning and thinking from multiple points of view. Our cooperating partner is the Kallódó Youth Saving Mission.
Felt man
Music. Theater. Fine art. Joint creation, taking inspiration from each other to a new level. Graphic note-taking is mainly used at conferences, it is an excellent way to display the essence of the topics that have arisen. What happens when the visual note taker draws a theater performance in which the players improvise with the addition of a musician?
Sarkadi Imre Viharban című kisregénye a badacsonyi kikötőben indul, hogy aztán a balatoni fergetegen túl egyéb viharokba is elkalauzolja az olvasót. Az Itt és Most Társulat színpadi adaptációja puritán színpadi eszközökkel és élő zenével teremti meg a zárt térben a szereplők fizikai, szellemi és érzelmi viharait.
Lá(j)v Story
The Lá(j)v Sztori is a theatrical performance that draws from the lives of all of us, with the overwhelming performance of 4 improv actors. Bloody love story on stage - acquaintance, love drama, breakup, reunion... an evergreen theme in an innovative design. The Lá(j)v Sztori is an entertaining and touching performance that uses the tools of improvisational theater to tell a different story every night. Through short scenes with different styles and moods, the never-before-seen story of a special love finally comes together.
In general, about buying tickets:
Our tickets are available at – Theater, Concert, Festival, Ticket purchase You can also buy tickets through the system and in the Itt és Most Community Square, where you can also pay by card.
Our improvisational theater performances, organized in the Itt és Most Community Square, are part of Budapest Capital City IX. those with a district address card, or Budapest Capital City IX. full-time students of district educational institutions (provided that this legal relationship is proved on the spot by presenting their student ID card) free they can visit. The Storytellers - Family improvisation performance at Budapest Capital IX. children with a district address card and their two main companions can visit for free. This is subject to prior registration, which is subject to the the viewer can do so by e-mail.
Ticket prices for the performances range from HUF 2,000 to HUF 4,500.
The archive of our performances HERE you find it.
"Sorry that it's just now, but I'll write the review, which you can post anywhere. 🙂
You guys were fantastic! Family and friends are maniac about you ever since, that these kinds of experience gifts are the best and thank you for the evening. It can happen, that you will receive more similar requests. 🙂
Thank you for noting all the funny little things, for being kind and professional, for serving Fanni's favorite foods. Thank you for the many Harry Potters and Wolverines, the many interactivity and smiles. We will also go to a performance! You didn't get rid of us."
Judit Barna
birthday organizer